Friday, August 3, 2012

Forsyth Area Eateries for July 2012

I thought I would update some of the eateries in the Forsyth Mo. area as they have changed in some cases. Click on any image to expand! I plan to try and update this panel every few months. Note that some locations have not been visited and so are left blank as far as the ratings go.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tri-Lakes Motors does take care of its customers!

Recently, I received a recall notice from the folks at Chrysler who wanted me to bring my Jeep Liberty in for replacement of some rear stabilizers they felt might be defective. I immediately called and got an early morning appointment for the next day.  Now, mind you, it’s been quite some time since I visited this dealership. I remember that I bought my 2006 Jeep in the summer of 2007 and other than one maintenance service call that was the last time I’d been there.

That next morning I pulled into the service area and was taken care of immediately. The service personnel seemed to be upbeat and professional. Even my waiting in the dreaded ‘waiting room’ turned out to be pleasant as I ended up talking to some other nice folks who were getting their vehicles serviced. Even though the wait was for two hours, the time when by quickly. (The waiting are sports a TV, free computer, vending machines, bathrooms, magazines and free coffee). It was sort of like hanging around my house.

The repair went smoothly and I would have to say that this establishment seems to have a great desire to take care of their customers. I would recommend Tri-Lakes Motors to any and everyone.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It’s mid summer at River Run Park!

It’s just after 10AM on a sunny July the 11th with a temperature standing at 80F (but which is destined to reach 90F before the day is done). And, while the sky overhead is clear, I can see haze along with some scattered cumulus clouds near the horizon.

I’m sitting at campsite #27, one of about a dozen still without power due to flooding that occurred the year before. After the waters finally receded, they had done a number on the power outlet boxes for the campsite that run along the rivers edge. Fortunately, ten other campsites that lie on higher ground were spared and today about half are occupied with RV’s. These sites cost $18 per day and offer both power and water, while the water only sites are going for $9.

It being midweek, the park was not very crowded. Those that were here, however, were taking advantage of the much lower temperatures than what was the regime just a week before. According the weather service, things should be relatively normal for the mid section of the month with daytime readings of about 90 followed by evenings in the low seventies.

It was gratifying to see one of the Corps of Engineer people out repairing the bath house and I hope to hear that all the campsites will be brought back up to code fairly soon. I was also pleased to see that the signs at the entrance of the Park had been refurbished!

Update: Shortly before closing for the winter - all the affect power outlets were removed and replaced! This was done in September and come next spring, the park should be clean and fully functional!

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

City Council Meetings on You Tube! A good idea? Well no, maybe not!

Taney County Web page allows anyone to listen in

At first blush, you’d think this to be a good idea. Perhaps even a great idea. But, after a little time to reflect, some problems begin to show up.

First up, by just having a video camera in the room, taping the entire proceedings could pose problems. Believe it or not, some people could go from ‘open’ mode to ‘quiet’ mode as they realize that everything they say will be later scrutinized by an inquiring public. (Something a politician is all too aware of). It so true that words uttered in casual mode cannot be taken back once those words are recorded and then launched on the internet. End result, the meeting might become stifled.

Another problem (one that can be fixed) is the potential for equipment malfunction where part or most of the recording is lost. This could be corrected in a number of ways. Firstly, taping an entire hour long meeting would require enormous amount of digital space. Also, there’s a problem with YouTube limiting a segment to just ten minutes. You’d need something like six segments to cover just one meeting. Another fly in the ointment would be to try editing out parts of the meeting in order to save time. That would inevitably create a conflict when some would demand to see the parts that were edited out. Bummer.

So, is there any solution that could work? Sure, one thing that could be considered would be to do a ‘live’ podcast in the same manner that Taney County already does for its meetings. In addition, these recordings can be left on that .com’s server for access later on by the public. That would work, but could suffer due to the sheer length. Talk about being bored out of your mind….

My suggestion then would be a twofold approach; One, offer the public the ability to listen in during the live session and two, have someone jot down a condensed version of the significant points that came up during said meeting. (Actually, if a clerk takes the meeting notes, this is already being done). If the notes were made into a .pdf file, it would be a simple matter to link each summary text to a newsletter whereby each session would be accessible at any time and by anyone.

Just a thought….

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Warning - New weight loss pill will not end well!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration has approved Arena Pharmaceutical's anti-obesity pill Belviq, the first new prescription drug for long-term weight loss to enter the U.S. market in over a decade.

Despite only achieving modest weight loss in clinical studies, the drug appeared safe enough to win the FDA's endorsement, amid calls from doctors for new weight-loss treatments.

The agency cleared the pill Wednesday for adults who are obese or are overweight with at least one medical complication, such as diabetes or high cholesterol. The drug should be used in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.

Read more at:
My take: If you all trust these mega corporations, or the EPA, or Washington, any more that you could drop kick an anvil, then by God go for it! In my view, these pharmaceutical conglomerates are the problem and not the solution. They are a growing cancer whose ultimate goal is parasitical, not beneficial. For God's sake, you sad and confused citizens, please go see your doctor and please ignore these complete and total idiots.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Forsyth Fire Department merger may be just the beginning!

What’s wrong with this picture? Now the Mayor of Forsyth Missouri, Ron Potter wants to merge his mostly volunteer Fire Department with that of the Western Taney Fire Protection District. OK… He states that such a merger would save the City over 30K at a time when money in the General Fund are about thirty five percent of what they should be ($62K versus a normal 175K). According to Potter, “We’re in tough times.” I'd have to agree with that assessment. Especially, after reading the results of the recent audit of his City. Now, the Mayor and his fellow Aldermen are scrambling to save money anyway they can.

The question is, however, if this merger does go through…just what are the citizens of the Fair City of Forsyth losing in the process? I mean they must be losing something tangible, right? Otherwise, perhaps a merger like that would have taken place years ago…

Another question concerns the financial shape of the City of Forsyth itself. Accord to the recently released State Audit, ‘the General Fund is in poor financial condition’. It also went as far as to state that this situation was attributable to the fact that ‘the Board of Aldermen failed to monitor the budget and cash balances’. Uh, wait up just a second. Isn’t that a major function of their job description? I mean, how exactly did this august body of individuals fail to notice that the General Fund decreased by over half ? (I’m pretty sure I’d notice if my banking account was off by even fifty bucks in any given month! Here we’re talking a hundred grand or so).

OK, so perhaps that is all water over the dam. What’s done is done and can’t be undone, as they say. Now, the City is faced with making some pretty tough decisions like with the Fire Department merger. I have wonder what’s going to be next on the old chopping block?

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My case for a City of Forsyth Newsletter!

A tongue in cheek newsletter example!
Since I’ve produced a newsletter, from time to time in the past, I can tell you that they can be a real pain to create. After all, even producing a single page takes compositional skills, good input and above all else…a desire to get it done!

Having stated that, I feel a City of Forsyth newsletter (whether it be monthly or quarterly), could serve as a cost effective vehicle to help keep the citizens of Forsyth informed concerning budgetary and other issues that are coming up for consideration by the Board of Aldermen. By posting on the internet, I feel the City would be honoring its moral responsibilities in keeping the public informed while saving money via electronic posting. (My rather satirical example can be seen here).

Certainly, there would be no lack of topics for such a paper. Just taking some of the recommendations put forth by the State Auditor's report should provide ample material for some time to come! In addition, by posting controversial topics such as the merger of the City Fire Department with the Western Taney County Fire Department would not only make for an informed populace but would also benefit the City with much needed feedback for those most affected by such a move.

I know that the City of Forsyth has considered this idea in the past. (They even have a spot reserved for a newsletter on their website). Perhaps now would be a good time to take affirmative action so that, jointly, both City officials and the public can address what some feel is a crisis of too little information.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

City of Forsyth Audit results

On June 19th at 5:30 PM, the City of Forsyth hosted a Public Forum whereby Deputy Missouri State Auditor Harry Otto presented the findings of the first ever audit of the City of Forsyth Missouri. The audit which was ordered as a result of a petition by over 200 citizens of the City was asked for in response to a concern that monies collected as part of a half cent ‘recreation tax’ may not have been entirely used in the manner they were supposed to be used, that is, for the maintenance of local area parks.

Proceeding began promptly in a room that was packed with concerned citizens, city officials and members of the media. Each person received a twenty page ‘State Auditor Report’ that contained both a Citizens Summary and a detailed report that covered eight specific areas that the audit found to be in need of correction. Addressed at the forum were the following areas:

1)      Financial Condition
2)      Real Estate Purchases
3)      Restricted Revenues
4)      Utility Controls and Procedures
5)      Accounting Controls and Procedures
6)      Expenditures
7)      Payroll Controls and Procedures
8)      Budgets and Ordinances

Overall, the Audit found the City’s performance to be only ‘fair’ and in each section there were recommendations made by the auditing body along with a written response from the Board of Aldermen. Mr. Otto made it clear to all present that there would be no follow-up to this audit and advised everyone present that it is the citizens responsibility to ‘hold the Boards feet to the fire’ through attendance and involvement at the frequent board meetings that are held at City Hall and which are open to the public.

My take on this whole schmear was that, while there was no criminal activity in the way the Board administered city funds, some procedures have been executed poorly and need to be tightened up (perhaps the April elections could help here). I also had the impression that this audit, which was spearheaded by citizens like former Alderwoman Missi Hesketh, was fully justified as it exposed glaring inefficiencies in the manner in which monies were being used and accounted for.

Hopefully, everyone will walk away from this effort with a desire to improve the City operationally and with the certain knowledge that the audit process itself, which was initiated by concerned citizens, is proof that the built-in political checks and balances are fully operational.

The complete audit report can be found here:

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Forsyth Library Thrift Store

During these hard times when it seems everyone is trying to stretch their inflationary dollars, a thrift store can help bridge the gap when it comes to clothes purchases!

I recently stopped at the Thrift store located across from the Forsyth City Hall and was pleasantly surprised that they not only offered men's clothing, but that they also had a great selection! I was able to quickly find a printed t-shirt and a pullover at jaw dropping prices! The store also carries women’s and children’s clothing on racks throughout the store! In the future, I’m making this great venue a frequent stop!

According to my information the store hours and telephone are:
Monday-Friday  9:00AM-4:00PM    
Saturday 9:00AM-1:00PM 

Telephone:  (417)546-5004 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Public Forum June 19 in Forsyth

Here's one City Hall meeting you don't want to miss! Seems the report on the audit of the city is now ready for review and comment. The meeting will be public and will be held at the Forsyth City Hall on Tuesday, June 19th at 5:30 PM, this according to trusted sources. See you all there!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

2012 Taney Fair coming together!

Click on to enlarge
With just a couple of weeks to go before the 2012 Taney County Fair comes to town, there’s still ‘lots of work that needs to be done’, Fair President Dennis House informed me when I stopped by recently to view their progress. He also indicated that volunteers were needed to help pull everything together, so if you want to help out or need additional information, please contact one of the Board members at! The Fair starts on Tuesday, June the 12th and runs through Saturday, the 16th. Advance tickets and Arm Bands are on sale at Save-A-Lot, Hilltop Gas & Grocery, Scooter’s, Park Place Market and Prime Time! Arm bands are $13 in advance and $16 at the gate. These locations also have limited supplies of Fair Booklets to give away – I’ve enclosed copies of a few pages of some of the events here!

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

'Taco Tuesday' at The Junction in Kissee Mills Missouri!

I've never met a taco I didn't like! Hi end, low end, soft or hard shelled – even a poorly made taco is better than no taco at all! Those were my thoughts, as I cruised in to the newly opened venue that is featuring a 'Taco Tuesday' on every (what else) Tuesday. The Junction Bar and Grill is located near the intersection of Highway 160-76 in Kissee Mills Missouri. While it's still a work in progress, according to owners Mike and Maggie Osterday, it is a complete establishment where hungry and thirsty people congregate. On this particular day, I was meeting a couple of 'associates' who also wanted to try out this dish from just south of the border.

Now, it should be re-stated that not all tacos are created equal. In the realm of the hard shell taco there are all sorts of fillings that can be incorporated. What many do have in common is some sort of spiced meat, (usually ground beef) and perhaps some shredded cheese and lettuce. Taco Bell, located in downtown Forsyth Missouri, features a hard shell with a filling of meat, topped with diced tomatoes, some shredded lettuce and cheese (this venue closed in July 2012). Throw on a little hot sauce and you have yourself a wonderful taste sensation! On this visit to the Junction, I wanted to contrast the two and maybe even declare a winner.

Now normally, I would have asked my dining companions for their insight on such fine taco attributes as concerned the overall texture, taste and appearance. Unfortunately, with these two yahoos, that would be like trying to compare an original Mona Lisa to a crude etch-a-sketch. To wit, watching them 'eat' was not very unlike witnessing a commercial garbage disposal running at full bore! To my amazement, I don't think either of these men actually chewed their food; rather they engulfed it. One second nine tacos were there and the next nine were not! I found that a little creepy and I decided to go ahead and critique these tacos el solo...

Critique: The Junction 'Tuesday Taco'

To begin, here is a brief physical description of ingredients I think were used used:

Corn tortilla
Ground beef
Taco sauce
Shredded cheese
Hot sauce (you have to ask for it)

The cost per taco was .80 cents as compared to .89 cents for the hard shelled tacos at Taco Bell! Score a point for The Junction!

I estimate that the calories came to about 170 each, so two of these along with a cold brewski came to about 300 calories total! I found the taco shell to be crunchy and the taste of the filling was as good as any taco I've ever tasted! I'd score this deal at a solid 8 – good lunch time food that while I wouldn't say it was quite as good as the stuff Taco Bell put out, it was close...real close! A major point in the favor of the Junction is the fact you can order a beer with your food. For me that clinches it! I'm eating at the Junction when they have Taco Tuesday from now on!

If you live anywhere close to Kissee Mills Missouri or are planning to vacation near there, I'd urge you to stop in and support this venue. It's the kind of establishment and small business that lies at the very core of this great country of ours! Tell 'em DanO sent ya~

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Forsyth News & Views Issue 3

●    Those police checkpoints! Do they really work?
●    Our City Council and the word on the street!?
●    Taco Bell offers a senior discount!, Yes, I think!

Get your copy here!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Forsyth News and Views - Issue 2

Opening Day for the Twisted Spoke Bar in Forsyth Mo.
Junction Bar and Grill - Kissee Mills - doing well...very well!
Wet T-Shirt contests -  Really!
Hydroplane races in June at Rockaway Beach Missouri!

Check out the pdf link here!

Disclaimer: As usual, any information provided is the sole property of the author and may or may not be accurate. All material offered in this blog is purely for entertainment purposes.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Forsyth News and Views

See link below for pdf

Yes he is, or so it would seem. Check out the latest bit of trivia concerning some aspects of the Forsyth business community. This month, I focus on some of the eateries and bars that populate this community. Click here for the .pdf link! Am I fair and precise? No, not really. I hope, however, that I can motivate a few citizens to get out and see for themselves how the local businesses strive so hard to service us. Folks, until things change in this great country, survival for many of these entrepreneurs will hinge on your patronage and love. We are all in this together! Aren't we?

New editions are available at Taney Services!

Disclaimer: The author of this blog is not affiliated with any of the businesses mentioned and has received no monetary or other incentive rewards of any kind. All posts in Forsythbiz are of the bloggers exclusive opinion and may or may not reflect upon popular views.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

River Run Update – May 2012 – Riverside camping slots now available, but…

I had the pleasure of meeting one of the Park Attendants who are volunteering at River Run this season. Her name is Sue and I understand that her and her husband are from the Great State of Texas!

I stopped in the small office located by the entrance to the park to inquire about the condition of the campsites by the river. She confirmed my suspicions that the power was out in all those locations, but that the water was on! Also, these spots can be had for the bargain price of something like $9 per night. Since I have a small power generator to use, that sounded like a great deal.

But wait! There’s more! It also turned out that I’m eligible to apply for a USGS Senior Pass Card that the Corps of Engineers also honors even though they are not required to.  And, that card will afford me half price fare in the park. Now that is a good deal!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

White River Grille serves it up your way! Cudos!

Sorry! I ate through half this meal before thinking!

Bill Kitchin told me one afternoon that I could have a hotdog at the White River Gill in Rockaway Beach Missouri pretty much anyway I wanted it made.  I told him I wanted an authentic Chicago-style Hotdog. He said, ‘No problem’.

So, I stopped by his restaurant one afternoon and ordered just that. I must apologize for the picture as; a) I was famished and b) it was a darn good meal!  However, I think you’ll get the idea that the food served there is pretty darn tasty!

You can pick up additional information and even inspect the menu by going to their site.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hydroplane Boat Competition Rockaway Beach 2012

Click to enlarge!

Here is the official flyer for the Hydroplane races!

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Mountain Men at Rockaway Beach May 18-20

I don't have much intel on this event, sorry to say. Last year I've heard that these folks dress up in 1840 type garb and have an area in Rockaway where they camp out (everything in the camp is of the period also) and have a good time. Should be interesting.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Junction Bar and Grill is not a biker bar!

I guess someone got in their heads that since the owner owns a Harley that his business must also be for bikers. Not true according to Mike Osterday, owner of the Junction Bar and Grill located in Kissee Mills off Hwy 160-76.  I’ve been there numerous times to eat and haven’t seen nary a bike parked out front. No, this is an eatery that caters to the general public and yes, I understand that bikers are very welcome there, but then again, so are roofers, retirees, public officials and just about everybody in between!

Just three weeks since they originally opened, I’ve already notice some nice changes with more to come according to Mr. and Mrs. Osterday. On my last trip out there for an outstanding hamburger, I met Mike’s better half – Maggie who was taking orders while her husband cooked. They both were just as pleasant as can be.

This is one eatery and bar that I sure hope hangs in there and ultimately becomes a success. Next time you swing by that way, please stop in and say hi! Oh, and did I mention that this eatery has a WiFi Hot Spot for anyone with a laptop? Need more info? The bar can be reached by calling 417-546-2550! You can also visit their website at!

New guardians stand at Empire Park

Looks like that local man with a chain saw was at it again! Rather than remove this stand of trees that were dying, he was evidently allowed to carve this beautiful figurines out of wood. They are a true tribute to his skills and add something special to tourists to see.

The rest of Empire Park looks to be all set for people to enjoy are the summer is now just around the corner. Lake levels look to be good and it doesn’t look as though we’ll suffer the torrential rains that fell last year!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mediacom to jack up their rate for internet!

According to a statement I received from Mediacom with my bill was an announcement that ‘Mediacom works hard to control our costs in order to keep your prices fair and reasonable’ However, due to the rising costs they have incurred, they’ve decided to transfer that right over to you the consumer in the form of a ‘modem fee’.  This ‘modem’ fee will amount to $5 more per month for you to enjoy the same service you were getting the month before! Hmm, Why doesn’t that sound reasonable. Wouldn’t you think with all the competition out there, they would want to find ways to reduce the rate??

Well folks, as far as I’m concerned, this little game will last only as long as it takes innovative companies like NetZero to get their 4G towers up and running. Then we can kiss off the internet service and their stinking modem for a much smaller fee structure vis a vie the 4G linkup.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

River Run running on half empty?

I have to admit that most of my information concerning the goings on at the River Run Park near Forsyth Missouri is based on conjecture. A term that the dictionary defines as: the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof. So, in effect, much of what I write about concerning this popular camping destination is shear guesswork. That said, there remains some interesting questions about the people who manage this resource, i.e. the Army Corps of Engineers.

Let me cite an example. Recently, I noticed that the Corps installed an under the road counting mechanism near the park attendant’s office. I had to wonder why they'd go to that expense what with the park operating on only about a third of the available sites. There are just ten locations that appear to be open for RV and campers to use. I have to assume the other sites are closed due to corroded power lines damaged from extensive months when the park was flooded. Just more conjecture mind you.

And, even though the camping fees have been jacked up this year, it seems to me that the park must be operating in the red. So, why that counter thingy under the road? Wouldn't it make more sense to fix the power lines going to the other sites first? Yet another secular mystery.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Junction Bar and Grill, a work in progress!

Donnie Oakley manning the bar and grill!

Now that's a great sliced tomato!
I say you can't have to many grills and the newly opened Junction Bar and Grill is a welcomed addition to the Kissee Mills area. Located near the junction of Hwy 160-76. And, according to the owner, Mike Osterday, 'it's still a work in progress'. That seems to be the case, too as every time I've gone there to eat or drink, I've found something new! On my most recent visit there to get a quick hamburger and a beer, I noticed that they now have bar stools, so you don't have to sit in a booth or at a table if you don't want to.

I'll tell you true, the service was fast and the food tasted great. I was even impressed with how fresh the tomatoes looked on my burger! I also understand they've added some new items to the menu, although I forgot to ask when I was there.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Forsyth Spring Fling May 19th!

I attended the first 'Spring Fling' event last year about this time and was impressed. The weather was awesome (I'm predicting good weather this year too) and a good number of people turned out to look at vendor offerings and listen to some excellent music. Here's a copy of the flyer for this year:

Click to enlarge

Here are a couple of pictures taken while I was there. Did I mention they had food for sale also?

For additional information, I'll assume you can contact the Forsyth Chamber of Commerce!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Air Evac in River Run rescue on April 30th

It was just another nice and quiet Monday evening when I heard the sirens off in the distance and then, a short time later, the blades of a rescue helicopter from Air Evac Lifeteam circled over my home before landing in the adjacent River Run Park. I hurried down there and filmed a few of the valiant men and women who devote themselves to helping others when accidents happen. I hope that this individual gets well and recovers soon! View it here on You Tube!

River Run still in need of some TLC!

OK, I get it. This park has been spending an inordinate amount of its time beneath the waves these past few years. And like I could imagine Atlantis would be, the park has sustained quite a bit of infrastructural damage as well.

On a quick run through the park on the last day of April, I couldn’t help but notice that there is still some work to be done and I can’t help but wonder if this area will flood yet once again before to long. Money is tight these days and perhaps the Army Corps of Engineers doesn’t feel this area is worth all that much effort any longer.  (I’m not sure as nothing is ever posted at the park for anyone to know).

I did manage to get a picture of the sign that has the camping rates posted on it. I’ve noticed they’ve gone up considerably over the previous season when I think they were at $13-$18. (I’m still unsure as to why there is more than one price to camp). Interestingly, the sign is pretty difficult to read except to where it concerns the money that’s being charged. How so governmental is that!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

S&S Pumping Service

I don’t really have much information yet on this septic tank pumping service that is located at 2151 Burmingham Road in Forsyth Missouri. I’ve noticed the truck in and about my neighborhood on rare occasions, but have not heard how well they perform. Their number is 417-546-2390. If anyone is aware of their pricing, etc. please leave a comment.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

River Run Park closing for 2012? Or, maybe not....

May be hard to see, but each bench is missing its canopy!

Click to enlarge
Well, maybe at least partially. On my drive through today I couldn’t help bur notice that most, if not all, the canopies over the picnic tables at each of the riverside campsites have been removed! An interesting development seeing as how this is the beginning of the camping and tourist season. I went to the ‘attendant station', only to see that they were closed on that particular day (funny how that works out). There were a couple of people working by the station, but they really had no idea of what was going on and told me so explicitly. That too wasn’t all that surprising. In any case it would appear that many of the sites are closed to camping at this time. If any reader out there knows why, please leave a comment. Otherwise, if you are planning to camp in that park you might want to check with the Corps of Engineers to find out what is going on with this park. I tried calling them and got an answering machine. Oh, and apparently rates to camp there have gone up. What a surprise!

But wait, there's more! Like magic the canopy's all returned. And, they appear none the worst for wear! Don't ask me what's going on, I haven't a clue!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Junction Bar and Grill Now Open!

Right on time, the Junction Bar and Grill located at the junction of Highway 160-76 is open for business. you can visit their web page here! As advertized there is a grill with a limited menu, pool tables, music and booths and tables. I met a friend there and order the Hamburger and fries along with a tall cold one. I will tell you right now that the food was excellent!

My server was a very nice lady name Tina who promptly took our orders with a smile. The food came equally fast and was done to perfection. I also had a chance to chat for a moment with another employee there by the name of Sonja. Mike Osterday, one of the owners (I think the other is Maggie Osterday), was also there and informed me that the Bar and Grill are very much still a work in progress. He indicated that there will be new changes and additions made every week for the forthcoming future, so expect some pleasant surprises.

Well, as far as I’m concerned they have the food right! Please stop in and give them a try! But, don't stop by there on Sunday or Monday as they are closed! Need more info? Call em at 417-546-2550! Tell’em DanO sent ya!

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Hills and Hollows Gardens: For some of the best area plants!

Located just across the parking lot from the Taney Center off Highway 76-160 near the junction is a greenhouse named Hills and Hollows Gardens. It’s owned by a very nice lady by the name of Rachael who has for sales just about everything under the sun in terms of annuals, perennials and vegetables. It’s hard not to walk into this business without walking out with one or two treasures to take to your home and plant.

Rachael, the owner, helps a customer with a selection.
I purchased a four pack of lettuce plants and a single very hot Habanero pepper plant while there. I was pleased with the affordable pricing also and plan to make numerous trips there for more as the season advances.

Hills and Hollows Gardens is currently open from 9AM to 6PM each day with limited hours on the weekends. They will be in the area until April 31st when they will close for the season, so hurry over and check them out before then.

Disclaimer: Every effort was made to insure the information posted in this post was accurate. However, some information may change over time or be incorrect.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WindRider's: A different kind of store!

Click to enlarge
Located at 16257 US Hwy 160 in the business district of Forsyth Missouri, WindRider’s is a unique kind of place that at first reminded me of the old time Hippie stores of the 1970’s era. It's a store that is ‘earth friendly and which is dedicated to renewable resources', this according to the owner Jan Chester.  It seems that some of the fabrics are made from bamboo, hemp and re-cycled silk. All were beautiful and I was amazed at how soft and luxurious the cloth made from bamboo felt to the touch!

In addition to clothing, WindRider’s also stocks an assortment of herbal salves, incense, baskets and charms some of which are handmade by Jan, her family members, are fair-traded or come from countries like Nepal. What really got my interest, however, was the wide assortment of organically grown heirloom seeds that are available. I like the idea of heirloom seeds mostly for the fact that if you allow them to go to seed, they will breed true the next season. In that way, you buy one packet of seeds and can then plant that same vegetable year after year from seeds you harvest. It’s like getting free food, in effect!

Please take a moment, next time you’re in the area to stop in and say hi! The store is located a short ways down from Forsyth Hardware or next door to the Forsyth Pharmacy. For more information you can reach them at 417-546-2070. The store hours are, currently, Monday thru Saturday 10AM to 5PM.

Disclaimer: All information posted in this blog is by the author and represents and honest effort at being accurate. As always, anything written here can change without notice.

Monday, April 16, 2012

New Book release - Basic Language Handbook for Excel!

A good friend of mine of some years has come out with a great book that really goes a long ways to help anyone who uses Microsoft's Excel to get more out of it. If you have a Kindle, you can download a free sample! Prime Members can read it for free!


The Wee Green BASIC Language Handbook for Excel
~A Non-Programmers Guide to Fully Automating Excel~

Forsyth, Missouri, April 16, 2012 -- Are you ready to take your Excel spreadsheet to the next step?  Can your macro find the next blank space in a column, update or add records to files used by other applications, or make alternative decisions when different conditions exist?  Of course not!

The Wee Green BASIC Language Handbook for Excel explains the easily learned BASIC language and how to use it to build applications that will ease your workload, astonish your supervisor and co-workers, and make you the expert of choice in everything Excel.

Each chapter guides the reader through a few simple commands and then provides a sample program demonstrating how each command is used in practice.  Sample programs include a point of sale program that saves data and updates inventory, a queuing program that tracks the order and progress of customer service, another for converting numbers to script for use in check writing, and building an appointment book where years of appointments can be stored and recalled using only the visible portion of a single spreadsheet. An Excel spreadsheet containing the sample programs are even provided for download from an accompanying website.

The Wee Green BASIC Language Handbook for Excel is written for the non-programmer.  This book provides all the tools needed to build almost any non-graphic application. What will you be able to do with Excel?  The only limitation is your imagination!    

Book Information:
Format: Paperback and Kindle
Publication date:  January 27, 2012
Price: $9.95 & 6.99 respectively or Borrow for free with your Amazon Prime Membership
Available From:
Author:  Dennis Conroy
ISBN-10: 1469931184
ISBN-13: 978-1469931180
Pages:  122
Size:  6” x 9”