Thursday, August 1, 2013

A recycleing center or just another dump?

Just recently it was announced in the local Taney Times paper that the City of Forsyth was going to streamline the recycling operation by installing a single collection container instead of the numerous ones that used to dot the landscape. At the time, I thought this sounded like a good idea, but now I wonder.

Pictured is the lone container that contains portals with signs that indicate the type of recycled items that should go into that section. But there are a few problems that I could see. One was the lack of dividers inside the container to keep items separate. An other was the vague term 'plastic types' that is used to indicate what types of plastic bottles are allowed. If I remember correctly, there are at least six to eight classes of plastic, some of which can be recycled and some of which cannot. finally, there is no sign to indicate where paper items should go.

The end result can be plainly seen. People end up dumping a hodge-podge of materials into whatever portal they think is appropriate. My question. Is this stuff really even being recycled?

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