Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In aftermath of storms, the Powersite dam is still flowing!

The Powersite dam is still flowing at a good rate (as of May the 3rd, 2011) even though the water levels on the other side are now approaching normal levels. Hopefully, the levels in the parks downstream will now begin to go down and the locals will be able to enjoy planned activities this coming summer and fall.


While I was walking near the dam located, I came across this Zebra Swallowtail butterfly (Eurytides marcellus). This species is found throughout the middle and southwest parts of the county and is striking in it coloration.

May 2011 Powersite Sewer Project Update - I think!

I recently received a response from an engineer at the Powersite Sewer project who informed me that as of May the 3rd, 2011, they were ‘in the process of staking preliminary sewer locations in the field and then verifying these locations.’ The engineer also stated that as of this date, ‘we have completed this process for the north half of the project, including the Valley View Village area.’

So that’s all I have been able to gleam from these folks thus far. I was also admonished to check the webpage for more updates. Interestingly the last one was on November 4 of last year. I still do not have a feel for when this group plans to begin the laying of sewer line or when they will want to being the process of having affected dwellings contact someone to fill in their septic tanks and get them hooked to the new line. Will it be 2012? I’m not sure. It would be nice to have some idea as the cost to homeowners will be significant and it would help if they could plan for that.

Monday, May 2, 2011

And the beat in Forsyth goes on...

The beat of rain that is, yes rain is once again falling all across southern Missouri with close to an inch and a half recorded for the first day of May. My weather station recorded a record monthly total of 19.08 inches for April, and now, it looks like the trend may continue. Where's Al Gore when you need him? Anybody seen good old Al?

As I am writing this, it's late Sunday, May 1st and outside my window lightening is crisscrossing the nighttime sky as a light rain falls. The forecast for Monday is for, you guessed it, more rain. Guess I'll batten down the hatches and go to bed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Save on Salvage in Forsyth Missouri

I found Save on Salvage to be a most unique kind of store. Like the name suggests, it has discounted salvage items of every kind for sale at discounted prices. Included are foodstuffs, can goods and even over the counter drugs like Claritin and aspirin.

The owner is Darrel Schutt who decided to open up this venue after the Mexican emporium did not work out. While I was there I purchased a bag of peanuts for fifteen cents and a tube of Pringles for $1.35. So, the prices are right!

How is he able to do it? I did notice that the expiration dates on most of the items I had purchased were about to expire or had expired, so that might have something to do with it. But, I assumed since I planned on consuming everything I bought in the near future, I figured it wasn't a big deal for me. If that's something of concern  to others, then they should check the label.

Save on Salvage is currently open Monday through Saturday, nine to five, but as always that could be subject to change. Best to call them ahead at 417-546-6810 and is located down from the Forsyth Hardware store at 16229 Us Highway 160, Forsyth, MO 65653. They currently accept Visa for purchases over $5, cash and local checks.

Two popular Forsyth area parks are now closed!

After three days of torrential rains, both Shadow Rock and River Run parks are closed for the foreseeable future. After receiving close to a foot of rain over the Easter weekend and with forecasts calling for even more rain in the offing, parks authorities had no apparent choice. One park worker told me that he had heard the river level may rise higher than it did in the flood of 2008!

The closing of the both these locations and especially that of Shadow Rock Park, will put a monkey wrench into many of the planned activities right at a time when so many were planned to take place. While I have not heard anything concrete, I’m sure that some events will be moved to higher ground with announcements of that fact coming soon.

For their part, the National Weather Service is forecasting dry weather next week after one or two more rounds of rain occurring between now and the weekend ending on May the 1st.

Weather extremes slam the Forsyth Missouri area!

What had been normal, to slightly dry conditions for much of southern Missouri, turned wet and wild over the course of a three day period that saw copious rainfall, frequent lightening and overcast skies. Beginning on Friday, April the 23rd a cool dry zone clashed with warm and moist gulf air to produce training precipitation that left many waterways overflowing their banks. Some areas, including Branson and Forsyth in Taney County Missouri received a foot or more of rainfall which resulted in property damage due to rapidly rising waters.

In Forsyth, the park authorities closed River Run on Monday after flood water began encroaching area campsites. My thought is that Shadow Rock Park may follow suit soon.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Forsyth area rainfall good to see!

With April 2011 now winding down, it has been good to see the rainfall totals picking up a bit and perhaps making a dent in the mini-drought we’ve all been experiencing.

As you can see, there are a few campers out and about, even though the weather service is calling for a rainy period right on through the weekend. That hasn’t stopped these folks or the fishermen and women who looked to me to be having pretty good luck.

I took an average of some of the rainfall reading for Thursday, April the 21st and as you can see, the average is about an inch. Month to date, the area has seen about four inches with a general average for the month at about four and a third inches in a normal year. Now, the focus turns to the rest of this month where we may get too much of a good thing!