Showing posts with label shakedown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shakedown. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Sherriff sting op targets struggling area bartenders!

Forsyth Mo. - In what could be a new 'twist' in law enforcement, local police have apparently concocted a 'sting' operation targeting area bartenders on serving underage kids.

On April 6, 2019, two out of three area bars, near where I live, were hit with potentially heavy fines due to a police operation that had a young 19 year old male enter those establishments during the peak lunch time hour where he then ordered a Coors beer. True, the youth did present a valid id, but this was done at a time where at least one establishment that I know of was getting slammed with lunch hour customers...

Good job, Taney Count Sheriffs police! You nailed a couple of individuals who are basically living check -to-check and tip-to-tip. The bar won't be charged, they will be!

While I fully understand the need to insure that every establishment which serves liquor needs to be monitored, what I do not understand is the fining of those who are doing their level best in what is a chaotic world. A warning citation would have been appropriate in every case! A harsh fine, not so much so....