Forsyth Mo. - February was
not a
particularly good month to embark on any kind of diet, as I recently discovered. It's generally
cold and there's not much to do other than eat. So, of course, my thoughts always
turn to one of food right about noontime. On this day, I decided to head out and grab a burger at
McD's, but then had second thoughts. My last purchase of a
Big Mac
and a medium
French fry was $7.56. I thought that was a bit much, and
so altered my course to head over to the local Sonic instead.
When I got there, I
ordered a
Cheeseburger and
medium fry at a cost of $7.13. Nutritionally the Big Mac and the Sonic Cheeseburger are pretty close with the Big Mac being a tad more diet friendly.
The upshot of this was me thinking that is really comes down to a matter of taste and frequency. I planned to allow myself only once such visit a month in the future.