Saturday, September 3, 2011

Farmers Market in Forsyth on Saturday, Sept. the 3rd!

This last Saturday, September 3, 2011 things were busy early in Forsyth Missouri as the early bird may not have gotten the worm, but he or she did get some good bargains at the Farmers Market which was set up across from the new Judicial Building on Main Street.

Both these fellas pictured here were named John and they both were from the Cedar Creek area. They were offering bell pepper, squash, zucchini and tomatoes at bargain prices. While I was there, I ran across Rick Finley who was telling me about an auction coming up on September the 10th at 603 Secluded Acres. I was interested because there will be a lot of guns (see auction flier) for sale there.

Also, in the area, located at major intersections were firemen who were out collecting for MDA. I asked one of them how the collections were compared to last year and he indicated they were up slightly. These guys get up early on a day that they are off work so they can stand around busy intersections in the heat! But, it's for a great cause and I hope everyone, who can, contributes. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Looking back 114 million miles to Earth and her moon.

 (originally published 2010 in
Whenever I get to feeling too big about myself, I make it a point to take a celestial mental stroll out in the heavens. Can you see those two little dots of light? It’s the earth and moon from 114 million miles away. Now, click on the picture to expand it. Can you see the cross?
While not a very far distance in terms of astronomical units, it conveys a sense of how alone we are, or would be, were it not for God and the son he sent to save us. The cross is on an asteroid known as Faith. Not far from it is a dome wherein rests the heart and soul of mankind.
I wish I could take each of our worlds leaders out here, one at a time, so they could stand by the cross and see just how tiny their little home called Earth really is. A mere dust mote, upon the surface of which, seven billion souls of His making call home.
A word to the wise. Please, don't fuck it up. It's all we have.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just ME Apparel and Accessories in Forsyth!

What's this ? Yet another new shop has opened in Forsyth recently. This time it's a woman’s apparel store. Even during challenging economic times, it's heartening to see new businesses springing up here and there. Just M.E. Apparel and Accessories is located at 15796 US Hwy 160 just across from Peoples Bank in Forsyth Missouri. The phone number is 417-546-5878 Their hours are from Wednesday to Saturday 10AM to 6PM. They're closed Monday, Tuesday and Sunday. That's about all I know at this time.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Yarn Diva located in Forsyth Missouri is a great place to shop!

A very long time ago, while attend Southern Illinois University, I took a class in macramé. That was an experience I thoroughly enjoyed and the good memories have lasted with me even to this day. When I walked into The Yarn Diva, I was reminded of the fact that my mom also did needlepoint and knitting most of her life. She always had a knitting bag close to here with all kinds of yarn hanging out of it. I still have, and cherish, a few of the comforters she made for me.

The Yarn Diva shop which is located at 10726 E. State Hwy 76 in Forsyth seems to have it all together. A nice inventory that is well presented making the shopping a very pleasant experience. I had a chance to talk to the owner, a nice lady by the name of Sharon Betz, who gave me a couple of newsletters (some of the best I’ve seen) that they put out periodically. In the newsletter were all sorts of announcements including scheduled classes, event and charitable efforts that the shop was involved in. They have a great website where you can get a feel for what they have to offer. You can also use this site to contact them in case you have a question or two.

The store is open Tues – Fri 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Sat 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. They are closed on Sunday and Monday. You can reach them by calling 417-546-2037.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It’s the 2011 Fall Taney Demolition Derby!

Coming to Forsyth Missouri on September the 10th 2011, will be the annual Fall Demolition Derby sponsored by the Taney County Fair Board of Taney County Missouri! It will be held at the new Fair grounds known also as Shoals Bend Park. The action starts at 7PM and admission is $5 for adults while children six and under will be admitted free. For additional information call 417-546-4277 or visit the official website at! (Please click on the picture above to gleam additional information and details)!

It came as a great surprise to me that my entry - 'Da Crusher' was not allowed to compete! What gives with dat? Something about my tires being a tad too large! OK, there may be something to that! Maybe next year!

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Forsyth Computer Shop: A Clinic for your computer!

Every once in a while I run into some nice people here where I live in Forsyth Missouri. That was the case today when I had occasion to visit with the owners of the newly opened Forsyth Computer Shop located at 15960 US Hwy 160, right across from the Prime Time gas island. Their phone number is 417-546-8400.

I talked, at some length, with both Brian and Michelle who were busy with customer when I first walked in. They were very courteous, and when Michelle got free, she filled me in on some of the services they offer. In a nutshell, the Forsyth Computer Shop is a full service center that specializes in refurbished systems that are rebuilt with all new parts (they also have new systems available). This includes desktops and laptops along with flat screen monitors. Prices for basic systems can range anywhere from $450 on up, and they can even build you a custom system should you so desire.  They also maintain a service center that offers you a place to take your existing system should it get sick.

While I was there, I was impressed with how neat the place looked and with the confident way they fielded my computer related questions. That is to say, they didn’t talk over my head, but in a manner that made me feel confident in their abilities.

If you have a spare moment, I would encourage everyone to stop in and say hi!

Gun Shop and Antique Store Now Open!

On a sunny nice day here in Forsyth Missouri, I had occasion to stop in the newly opened KJM Mercantile gun shop and antique furniture store located at 16071 US Hwy 160, right next door to the Chamber of Commerce. I was there to have the owner, a nice guy named Chris, take a look at a firearm that I’m considering having him sell on consignment. Chris told me his is interested in building his gun inventory, so if you have a gun you’d like to sell, Chris might be able to help you out via consignment.

The store also has a nice collection of knick knacks, antiques, fishing equipment and electronics for you to browse through. You can reach them by calling 417-251-9012 during regular business hours.