A site about select local businesses and events in and around Forsyth Missouri.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Weather extremes slam the Forsyth Missouri area!
What had been normal, to slightly dry conditions for much of southern Missouri, turned wet and wild over the course of a three day period th...
Friday, November 12, 2010
December 2009 was actually a bitch!
I erroneously posted a graph that showed what a great and warm month December 2009 was. Actually last December was a real bitch, it you'...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Coldest morning of the season, so far!
Forsyth Missouri - Shiver me timbers! Our first shot of really cold air of the fall season occurred on the morning of Friday, October the 2...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hang in there. The Wx in SW Mo is about to get a little cooler! I Hope!
Starting on Sunday, August the 15th, the weather here in southwest Missouri should start a process of moderation that will result in ‘cooler...
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