A site about select local businesses and events in and around Forsyth Missouri.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The McRib is back!
Forsyth Mo. - The McRib is back and is (supposedly) available at the local McDonald's in Forsyth on Hwy 160 and Coy Blvd. For those...
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Every touch screen tested had fecal matter present!
London England - According to a research paper, they swabbed the new self-order machines in six different England locations—six in London...
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Only a penny more tax at McDonald's? So, why am I gripping?
Click on this picture to enlarge Just recently, I had occasion to stop at a local McDonald's for lunch where I ordered a cheeseburg...
Saturday, December 31, 2011
McDonald’s Wholesome Starts Coupon Book
I’m not sure just how wholesome food from McDonald’s actually is, but the promotion is halfway decent, even if you’re a single guy lik...
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