Saturday, November 21, 2020

LoveOurRoof serves the Forsyth Area!

I met Jason Wilburn, owner of LoveOurRoof recently, and it appears he does work in the Forsyth Missouri area on occasion. I understand they specialize in metal roofing and have a webpage at!

They can be contacted by calling 417-527-0012.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Friday, October 9, 2020

Assorted Forsyth area topics!

Area Parks
Over the past two years, Bull Shoals has flooded out a couple of area parks that I really like to frequent! Both Shadowrock Park (SRP) and River Run, spent the past two summers under the waves, with the most recent flood lake level clearly shown on the fence near a baseball field.

In both years, heavy rains in early and late March began the flood cycle in earnest. Cleanups that generally occurred in October have been costly with Forsyth losing any potential for income from their 99 year lease on SRP. Sadly, this situation is very likely to repeat itself in the future.

On a beautiful day in early October, I stopped to enjoy a lunch while watching a few boaters try their luck at catching fish. I was surprised to not see many others in similar pursuits either on the shore or on the water. I would encourage local residents to take advantage of a run of pleasant temps that should hold out through at least mid month. Yes, the parks are a bit dirty and dusty and will have to await the next good rain to get washed off, but overall most every thing was in good shape.

I did talk briefly with a representative of Forsyth concerning the cleanup of the roads and was told that 'nature would take care of that'. So, at least one park should be available for use (River Run was closed) for those who might want to take advantage on through the fall and coming winter months. Then, in March of 2021, we will see what happens...

New TCAD building!

Reducing area response times for ambulance services was the driving force behind the new building being erected at the former location of the Park Place convenience store. A site near the round-about on Highway 160/76. Construction was moving along at a rapid pace, it seemed to me and I was guessing that the building would be realdy by December.

I apologise for the terrible formating that this Goole owned site, which used to be excellent, has devolved into...

Friday, October 2, 2020

Kar Lot in Forsyth is a full service establishment!

Forsyth MO - I've had my oil changed for quited some time at the Kar Lot with David Scobee as the man in charge. The shop is locaqted at 16099 Hwy 160 and can be reached by calling 417-546-8484, during regular business hours.

Right about now, in October, would be a great time to schedule service on your personal vehicle before the cold of winter really sets in!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Local grocery store looking a bit bare!

 Forsyth MO. - I've shopped at Country Mart since it opened some decades ago in Forsyth Missouri and so, I've grown pretty use to knowing what to expect to see on the shelves. Yet, over the past number of months, I've witnessed a marked change to fewer and fewer items to select from. 

When I've asked why some of the shelves have been mostly bare, in the past, I've been informed that it was to to 'supply chain disruptions'... Whatever that actually means. I had assumed they (they being management) were referring to disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, currently in its 9th month! Disruptions that I had assumed would have worked themselves by now. But, they really haven't. As a matter of fact, they seemed to have gotten worse, at least at the Forsyth location. I found this strange, as the one other local market named Save A Lot didn't seem to  be suffering shortages quite as much!

So, I decided to investigate a bit more. One relevant article that I viewed back in March stated 'Supermarkets are rationing grocery-store staples and trying to restock more quickly to deal with surging demand, while planning new ways to feed a rising number of self-isolating consumers as coronavirus spreads across the U.S. and Europe.' I approached the owner of Save A Lot and asked him if this was still the case. Was increased hording still causing the shortages and why was his store so well stocked?

I was informed by a spokesperson for SAL that they too were have supply chain disruptions due to the impact that Covid-19 was having. She told me that right at that moment, obtaining canned vegetables was a challengs.

I expect shortages to remain a problem well into 2021.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Taney County Covid deaths rising!

Taney County MO. - The above graphic details the numbers of deaths due to Covid-19 day to day for much of the month of September 2020.Through the first half of the month there was a slow, yet steady increase. In the later part (thus far), there has been a more dramatic upturn. If true, this is somewhat troubling.. If the numbers are false, then that would be very troubling!

The thing is, we are in our ninth month of social distancing, washing of hands and wearing of masks. As I've been out an about, all that time, I've noticed a high degree of compliance. And yet, the numbers continue in an upward spiral! What's with that? Something is fishy in the State of Missouri and I now find myself trusting government authorities even less than before.

Perhaps there's little logic to trying to defeat something that is so contagious, that it has managed to not only defeat these physical deterrence's, but also even the heat of summer. That's something not even the seasonal flu can do...

Perhaps we can all go back to living our lives, as 95% of us will weather this viral storm, and still continue to live...

Liberty Utilities to add new attractions to area park!


Forsyth MO.
- Canadian based Liberty Utilities is planning some fun new additions to their park located near Forsyth Missouri by the Powersite Dam. After seeing a drone image (above, supplied by Marcus McClamrock) I called the utility and talked to an employee named Junior. He informed me that the field with all the lines was going to contain three new areas;

1) A pickle ball playing field (see A game that is a cross between ping pong and tennis...

2) A one kilometer walking trail....

3) Special plants that will attract Monarch butterflies... 

To state that I was a bit awestruck would be to put it mildly. I'm looking forward to watching this project come to fruition over the coming months.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Jim's Auto Body, a really great shop!


Dylan Jones - Operations Mgr. - Jim's Auto Body

Forsyth MO
. - After having an unwanted close encounter with a deer on highway 76 near MM highway on 911, I found myself standing outside in a light rain with a mostly imploded windshield along with some structural damage. And while I was very troubled, to say the least, the deer very likely got the worst part of that deal!

After calling my State Farm agent, they arranged a tow truck to take my (now somewhat battered) vehicle to Jim's Auto Body located at 160 Jessi Road. I submitted the estimate to the owner, James Burns, and got the repairs done in short order.

To me, any damage to a vehicle can be a traumatic event. That's why have a good auto body repair shop can become very important. Dylan Jones, along with James Burns, took very good care of my jeep, got the repairs done in

good time and were very professional. They even sent a very nice woman, Debra, over to my place to pick me up. That's the kind of service that I really appreciate.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Forsyth Local Harvest on Aug 22!

Forsyth MO. - Perhaps it was due to the time I arrive when compared to last time, but the Forsyth Local Harvest Market appeared to be doing an even more robust business!

It was a Saturday and it was time to visit a local Farmers Market that was located about 2 miles past the Hwy 76 bridge as you headed towards Hollister. The weather was picture perfect at 80 degrees under light and variable winds.

I arrived at about 10:30 AM and wandered around a bit taking some pictures while talking to some of the people manning the stands displaying produce and more! I understood that the Market is currently open each Saturday from 8AM to 2PM, from now until December. This offers area residents a great opportunity to buy items with no tax!

And, as it was sorta close to the lunch hour, I made sure to pick up a pulled pork sandwich and chips for only $5! Some friends of mine also ordered what appeared to be a nacho plate. Yum.

I will be posting a separate post introducing one of the main women behind this great effort. In the meantime, I'd encourage everyone to come visit if you get a chance.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Spaghetti special at the Mug!

Forsyth MO. - Every once in a while, the chef at John's Frosted Mug decides to add a spaghetti dish as a one day special. This meal (recreated here using leftovers and plain toast) was quite tasty and I would love to see it offered on a more regular basis! If you tried it, and liked it, please mention the fact to Tim Evans...

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Forsyth Local Harvest Market!

Forsyth MO. - A trend, that's here to stay, is buying locally grown fruits and vegetables instead of produce that's been trucked cross-country. While many people have gotten on board, I was wondering if the hype over the health benefits of locally grown food is all it’s cracked up to be.... Yes, it was!

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of farmers markets in the U.S. has increased in recent years. There were fewer than 2000 in 1994 and, today, there are more than 8,800 markets listed in the USDA’s National Farmers Market Directory. Restaurants that cook with local meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables also are a growing trend, according to the National Restaurant Association.

The main health benefit of locally grown food is that it’s much fresher. Fruits and vegetables begin to lose their nutrients within 24 hours of being picked, so fresher produce is more nutritious produce. In addition, locally grown food is picked at its peak ripeness, when it’s most dense with nutrients, and that's a good thing!

Eating local also means you can meet the people who grow your food. You can ask them questions about their farming methods and pesticide use (if any). Local farmers typically focus on soil health and safe growing practices, especially if they’re farming organically. Better quality soil and more sustainable farming practices typically mean better tasting, more nutritious produce. 

That's why, when I heard about a local market that is open every Saturday from 8AM to 2PM, I jumped in my car and went across the Bull Shoals bridge and up Manly Hill (Hwy 76) top the top of the curve where I saw a group of booths. After parking, I walked over to find not only a wide  array of veggies, but also a wide choice of bric-a-brac! In addition, there is a food stand with beverages and an assortment of sandwiches!

So be sure to mark your calendar for every Saturday, from now until mid December, and grab up some farm fresh produce!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Save A Lot in Forsyth MO! Great savings!

 Forsyth MO. -  One of the two main grocery stores, located at 142 Main St, in Forsyth, MO,has a lot to offer... in the way of savings! I decided to shop this store mainly due to the fact that I wasn't going to get a lot of angry stares from other customers as I choose to not wear a mask. To my great surprise, the cost of food I like to eat was much lower than the other store! Below is an example, of the cost of some goods on this date. I will definitely be shopping there more often!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Of watermeal and men!

Forsyth MO - If any area residents have gone down to the Empire Park recently, you might have noticed that the two small inlets have a problem. That problem is an infestation of watermeal. Watermeal holds the distinction of being the world's smallest flowering plant, while at the same time being a very annoying weed. And, getting rid of it can be a big challenge, often requiring the pond to be drained or dredged in order to remove it. At this Park, it easy to see that something's not right!

I spoke with a representative of Liberty Utilities (the owner of the park) and was informed that efforts were underway to get rid of it via a bipartisan effort by the Missouri Department of Conservation. They have been using a chemical that will take two years to be effective. I hope to report back now and then to illustrate any progress made or not made.

Another topic we discussed was to install benches along the 1000 foot walking path. This to allow individuals with reduced walking abilities to enjoy it while having the ability to sit and rest. I did a short video on this topic just recently. Remember a lot of time and money goes into the maintenance of a place where one can enjoy boating, picnicking, fishing, walking and the great outdoors!
Watermeal (Wolffia spp.) are holds the unique position as the world’s smallest flowering plant, but it’s also one of the world’s most annoying pond weeds

Read more at Gardening Know How: Controlling Watermeal Weeds: Tips For Managing Watermeal In Ponds

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hot Dog and Chips at the Frosted Mug!

Forsyth MO - There are many different ways to serve the common hot dog. And while my favorite is the Chicago Dog, this offering by John's Frosted Mug comes in a close second!

At $4.99, plus tax, the Mug Hot Dog w chips is a pretty neat meal-a-deal. The bun is soft and tasty while the all beef dog is the real deal. For those with an interest, the image below is of a Chicago Dog!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Forsyth City Council acts...pointlessly

Forsyth Mo. - The Forsyth Missouri City Council decided on 7/22 to require face masks be worn at all times when out and about. No end date was set for this ordinance, either! Why? I have no clue other than the blatant exercise of political power or perhaps the spreading of fear. Whatever the reason, the net effect will be likely aid to further kill off local businesses while having little, to no effect, on saving lives. As of July 23, Taney County Missouri (where the town of Forsyth resides), had a total of only three deaths since the start of January! This out of a population of 56K plus.

Update: July 23, 2020 - Apparently the City decided to have metal signs printed up and then distributed them to area businesses. You be the judge as to the meaning. Me? I'm lost.

The sign, while well intentioned, was not issued by the City of Forsyth!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Disc Golf tournament comes to Forsyth!

Forsyth MO - July the 11th in Liberty Utilities Park near the town of Forsyth MO. witnessed a disk golf tournament the drew a surprising large number of contestants. 

I went down to the park to get a little bit of exercise and was thus surprised to see groups of 'golfers' roaming all over the 18 hole course that required sturdy legs as the competitors had to walk over five miles to finish the course. Only one golf cart was in evidence, so most competitors had to grind it out on their own two legs!

The sponsor of the event, I believe, was Innova who has affiliates that make disc related equipment.

This growing world wide sport looks to be a ton of fun while also giving all who compete a great workout.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

License tag waiting at the DMV!

Forsyth MO. - Among the various forms of fallout delivered by the Coronavirus has be the partial or even complete breakdown of various government offices. Take the local DMV for example.

On a hot and moist 88 degree day, I had finally assembled all the paperwork needed to get my license tags renewed. This included an inspection, copies of my personal property taxes and proof of insurance. That done, I headed over to the DMV office on Main Street only to discover a rather long line of people being forced to sit or stand out in the heat. When I approached them I asked how long the wait was. No one had any idea, but those at the head of the line told me they had been standing there for over 15 minutes!

I had two problems with that scenario; 1) a recent back injury had made it difficult to stand and 2) sitting on the pavement was not an option as I would have a difficult time standing back up!

A call to the State office left me in a waiting line die to the 'virus'. A call to the local police left me with leaving a message. Lastly, due to the nature of my plates, I did not have an option to renew online. And, with the virus expected to come back in the fall, I was thinking that I would have to take my chances once the tags had expired.

Update: The very next day, I bit the bullet and got over to the office at 8:15 AM. My thinking was by arriving 15 minutes early, I'd get in quickly. No such luck. There was already 8 people inside the office with a line forming outside!  I got into line as #3 and by 8:30 AM, there were about 12 individuals standing around waiting..... After 30 minutes, I got into the office and so was at about the number 7 position. There were three people working, but it was a slow slog. The total time I spent waiting for get my plates and tags was about one hour!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Local Taney County gas prices rise, but will be lower than normal.

Chart runs from mid Jan 2019 to Mid June 2020
Conoco, Forsyth MO.
Taney County MO - Every summer, regional refineries change over from so-called winter blends of gasoline to the summer mixtures. This often accompanied with high prices that reflect the cost of the change over. Not so for the summer of 2020, as the Covid-19 virus has greatly impacted travel!

The above chart was compiled by the author and reflects dates and the cost of regular gas per gallon  at the White Oak Conoco station on Highway 160 in Forsyth Mo.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Arvest Bank location to become office and event space!

Forsyth MO. - I talked briefly with the owners who acquired the Arvest Bank building and who have work crews there now transforming the former bank into office and event space. I was informed that information concerning the structure would be made available as early as the 12th of June (Friday) and that I might be able to get inside for pictures. So, an update is coming...

Update: I stopped at this site on Tuesday, June 16 and was told it would be another two weeks before the office spaces would be 'presentable'.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

A delicate balance of a few billion tons of water!

Forsyth MO. - For whatever reason (although I'll get into some in future blogs), the two bodies of impounded water controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers could just possibly get into trouble due to both recent and imminent future rainfalls. First, some factual information;

[Source – Wikipedia] 'The original purpose of the reservoir was for flood control on the White River. The dam had been authorized a month earlier under the Flood Control Act of September 3, 1943. The reservoir has a fluctuation of 16 feet (4.9 m). When the reservoir is above the maximum flood pool, excess water goes over the auxiliary overflow spillway at the north end of the dam.

Table Rock Dam’s spillway capacity was evaluated as a result of a dam safety program in the 1990s. Using improved weather data and more modern technology and safety requirements, engineers determined that the lake would rise ten feet higher during the worst-case flood than previously calculated. An event of this magnitude would over top the earthen embankment and destroy Table Rock Dam with catastrophic losses in downstream areas, including Branson. To prevent the potential loss of life and property damages, congress approved and authorized construction of the Dam Safety Project. After considering several options and gathering considerable public input, an auxiliary spillway was determined to be the best solution. The auxiliary spillway was completed in 2005 at a cost of approximately $65,000,000.

The worst case scenario of a catastrophic floodwater discharge from Table Rock Lake using the auxiliary floodgates would roughly resemble this:

At elevation 931 Table Rock Lake is at full flood capacity. The ten Tainter gates are opened to accommodate additional lake inflow from the White River Basin including the James River and Beaver Lake discharge.

At elevation 937 Table Rock Lake is 6 feet above flood capacity. The ten Tainter gates are opened wider in an effort to stabilize reservoir rise. Outflow from the Lake under these circumstances will be nearing 200-300 thousand cubic feet per second (CFS).

At elevation 942 Table Rock Lake is 11 feet above flood capacity and at its "design pool", or the maximum elevation that the reservoir is engineered to reach, under "probable maximum flood" scenarios. The dam’s ten Tainter gates will be fully raised to their maximum height of approximately 30 feet letting loose 550 thousand CFS into Lake Taneycomo. This scenario would effectively submerge and destroy the powerhouse, power transmission grid, hatchery, and wreak serious destruction down stream.

At elevation 947 Table Rock Dam would be at its maximum capacity and water would be at the very top of the dam. The auxiliary spillway would be brought online, in concert with Table Rock’s fully opened floodgates. This catastrophic or "last resort" protocol releases 1 million CFS of lake waters into Taneycomo and deals dreadful destruction to Branson, Hollister, Point Lookout and possibly the Powersite Dam. At this point there is a danger of water over-topping the concrete dam and breaching the earthen structure, which imminently leads to cataclysmic structural failure and the uncontrolled release of the Table Rock Lake impoundment—nearly 3 million CFS of water.

Historical facts: Table Rock Lake has a record crest of 935.47 feet, which occurred on April 27, 2011.

In December 2015, the dam released 72,000 CFS at its peak. This is the highest amount ever released.'

As of May 23rd, the water levels were at;

Click to enlarge
Now while the smallest impounded Lake (Beaver) was doing OK, her two downstream neighbors were carrying a bit of a load. The biggest worry being Bull Shoals, currently at 693 feet or just two feet below flood pool levels. Note that 'flood pool' as defined by Law Insider reads;

30 (24) “Flood pool elevation” means the maximum water surface elevation of a reservoir, equal to the elevation of the spillway.

This is the point at which a dam would be forced to start discharging 'against the will of those in control'. (Note that the Table Rock Dam level was at 926 feet with their flood pool set at 931 feet - That's 4 feet away)! Also note that when were are talking about the height of a body of water, we are referring to msl or height above mean sea level.

So, even though the coming week of rain only equals about an inch, the water game is certainly getting a bit dicey, to say the least!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Save A Lot plants and seedlings!

Forsyth MO. - I noticed the owner, Mark, of Save A Lot was setting up lots of milk crates in the front of his store on a Monday, April 20th and I inquired as to when he might have some plants and seedlings for sale. I was told that the supplier was due to arrive shortly before noontime on Tuesday, April the 21st.

The weather for Tuesday was expected to be sunny and around 74°. I made plans to show up!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A tip for clean hands in a time of viral attacks!

Forsyth MO. - I'm not sure now just how long I've been cooped up in my condo, it seems like ages. Everyone, it seems, is hyper sensitive to getting the coronavirus on their hands which could then be transferred to their face! God forbid!

One practice I adopted, even before the bug hit us, was to add a bit of bleach to the soapy water when I hand wash my dishes. Yes, as a single guy, I hate to waste water using the dishwasher and feel I do as good or even a better job in getting my glasses, dishes and utensils ultra clean.

I also get two side benefits; 1) My hands come out virus free and 2) that old porcelain sink really shines! That's a win win for me!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Playgrounds ordered closed by the City of Forsyth!

Forsyth MO. - Local City of Forsyth officials have ordered area playgrounds closed for the foreseeable future due to worries about the Coronavirus outbreak! A spokesperson confirmed this order by phone, will also indicating that the Shadowrock Park area would remain open, until it was forced to close due to expected flooding.

Meanwhile, local fishermen were in wide abundance due to so many not currently working.

The author planned to visit the parks for as long as they remained open as this would likely be the last time for the 2020 season.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Forsyth Mo - Kar Lot dealership!

Forsyth MO - On what was a glorious Thursday in Late March, and like many others who had become stir crazy what with the virus, I decided to take a drive around town. As I passed the Kar Lot located on Highway 160, I noticed some movement inside the office building and stopped to inquire if the auto service area was open for oil changes and thing like that. The owner, Lonny, informed me that they were taking appointments as was normal. You can call (417) 546-8484 and set one up if you need any service done. I was also informed that they could take a customer around the lot if one was interested in buying some wheels. 

You can go online and check out their inventory by clicking on the Kar Lot. I noticed that the dealership had some mighty fine rides and perhaps they might be more willing to wheel and deal amidst the current viral outbreak.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fat Daddy's reopens to limited traffic!

Forsyth MO. - A popular eatery called Fat Daddy's located on highway 160 re-opened with limited service, recently and was allowing ten diners in at any one time, in order to satisfy local ordinances that arose due to the coronavirus pandemic. When I entered, I was asked how many were in my party (just me) and was then told that I needed to go wash my hands before being seated. (Note that there was no limit on take out orders).

At the time I was there, there were only three or four other diners. If you're thinking about dining out, you can reach them at 417-546-4604 to check on their status!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Rockway Bars and Restaurant report For March 23, 2020!

Rockaway Beach MO - After a few people asked me if I know anything about what was going on in some of the bars and eateries in Rockaway Beach, I decided to take a run down there and see what was what.

AMVETS  - My first stop was a local American Veterans club that looked closed to me. There was also a sign that stated that fact.

 Note that they normally open at 3PM, according to one website page, you you might want to give them a call to find out the real deal. They can be reached at (417) 302-5201.

Pizza Cellar - I stopped at the local Pizza Cellar and found the doors were open. When I approached one of the employees, I was told that they were 'sorta' open but were also on a waiting and see what the owners wanted to do. I didn't ask, but had the impression that I could have ordered a beer or a pizza.

Dockside Pub - I was able to talk with a spokesperson who informed me that as of that 'moment', they were open for business. They also informed me that while the City of Rockaway Beach had not said they had to close, that there were still constraints on the number of people that would be permitted. I Was told, 'sure', that I could order a drink.

The bottom line is that you are likely to get some service somewhere in Rockaway Beach, it just might change with time. Much of what is happening is happening due to fears that, in my opinion, are largely baseless.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A coronavirus bet with myself!

Forsyth MO. - After looking at some numbers generated by the John Hopkins hospital, I did not bother focusing on the numbers of cases or the recovered,. but rather the number of deaths this disease has caused. Why? Well, the battle fog surrounding those infected is complex and even foggy. One of the biggest effects that's adding new cases have been vastly increased testing. The more people tested the higher the number become. Another factor was linked to the discovery of infectious people who were carriers. People walking around spreading the virus with out showing much in the way of symptoms. Those were the only two we could talk about since about the mid part of March as the following efforts were implemented across much of the US:

1) Closed border policy. No one in or out.
2) Social distancing. People asked to stay 6 feet apart
3) Elimination of large sporting events.
4) Closing of venues where groups like to gather such as bars and restaurants!
5) An intense program of awareness to get people the wash their hands frequently.

These draconian acts should have a very dramatic effect on the rates of newly acquired infections. The result will be a rapid downhill graphic in the long term coupled with the fact that warmer weather (the bane of all viruses) is on our event horizon!

A number I do like to consider, when thinking about the direction of this pandemic, is the total number of people who succumb to the virus or to some secondary complication like pneumonia. That is what is known as a hard number statistically. As such, it should provide us with something to watch as it should begin to flatten out and then begin dropping as the wave passes on by.

I'm betting that on or before the 28th of March, those figure will begin to  take a rather dramatic drop and that by mid April, this whole mess will be behind us, not including the two to three trillion price tag that will have been added to the National Debt.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday, March 21st drive in Forsyth Mo!

Fat Daddy's
Forsyth MO. - After hearing the news about the partial or complete shutdowns of businesses, I elected to do a drive-about and see what was up in the City of Forsyth.

My first general impression was how quiet the roads were for the noontime hour. It was a Saturday, and normally the traffic would be robust. That was not the case for the start of an otherwise nice and sunny day! So, here is a breakdown of what I've seen or heard;

Banks - Closed. I wasn't sure if it was because it was the weekend or not. ATM's were up and running, however.

Churches - All closed was my understanding.

Gas island/convenience stores - As they are considered essential services, they were all open. On a positive note, gas prices were at very low levels.

Eateries - Most eateries like Fat Daddy's were closed. I was able to talk with an owner and he informed me that he was investigating ways to maintain some cash flow. I got the impression that some options, including carryout and home deliver were a go. He also indicated he might have food service in an outdoor setting by utilizing the open air eating area and by possibly supplementing those with some tables in the parking lot when the weather was warm.

Mountain Williams Pizza
Other locations that had drive thru's like McD's, Sonics and the Hong Kong Express were open for that sort of traffic even as the lobby areas were closed to the public. The Thrive Bistro was also open possibly due to it limited capacity. Other food related businesses such as Williams Mountain Pizza were offering curb and home delivery services. (When you arrive a sign instructs you to call 546-2012 for curbside delivery).

City Hall - Only the drive thru was open.

Save A
Grocery stores - Both the Country Mart and the Save Alot were open and were getting normal traffic. These both were considered 'essential' services and are able to have unrestricted numbers of shoppers. Once again, customers are urged to shop as you normally would. Supply channels are ramped up with tighter delivery schedules to assure the customers will be able to purchase needed items. Sadly, some items, most notably TP is still in short supply due to greed as some have cleaned out area stores in order to resale them at double the price at such outlets as Amazon. Please let these individuals keep their inventory while we wait for local supplies to be replenished.

Hair saloons -  At least one hair care facility was open and doing a normal amount of business and that was the Town and Country location across from the court house.