Sunday, October 11, 2020

Friday, October 9, 2020

Assorted Forsyth area topics!

Area Parks
Over the past two years, Bull Shoals has flooded out a couple of area parks that I really like to frequent! Both Shadowrock Park (SRP) and River Run, spent the past two summers under the waves, with the most recent flood lake level clearly shown on the fence near a baseball field.

In both years, heavy rains in early and late March began the flood cycle in earnest. Cleanups that generally occurred in October have been costly with Forsyth losing any potential for income from their 99 year lease on SRP. Sadly, this situation is very likely to repeat itself in the future.

On a beautiful day in early October, I stopped to enjoy a lunch while watching a few boaters try their luck at catching fish. I was surprised to not see many others in similar pursuits either on the shore or on the water. I would encourage local residents to take advantage of a run of pleasant temps that should hold out through at least mid month. Yes, the parks are a bit dirty and dusty and will have to await the next good rain to get washed off, but overall most every thing was in good shape.

I did talk briefly with a representative of Forsyth concerning the cleanup of the roads and was told that 'nature would take care of that'. So, at least one park should be available for use (River Run was closed) for those who might want to take advantage on through the fall and coming winter months. Then, in March of 2021, we will see what happens...

New TCAD building!

Reducing area response times for ambulance services was the driving force behind the new building being erected at the former location of the Park Place convenience store. A site near the round-about on Highway 160/76. Construction was moving along at a rapid pace, it seemed to me and I was guessing that the building would be realdy by December.

I apologise for the terrible formating that this Goole owned site, which used to be excellent, has devolved into...

Friday, October 2, 2020

Kar Lot in Forsyth is a full service establishment!

Forsyth MO - I've had my oil changed for quited some time at the Kar Lot with David Scobee as the man in charge. The shop is locaqted at 16099 Hwy 160 and can be reached by calling 417-546-8484, during regular business hours.

Right about now, in October, would be a great time to schedule service on your personal vehicle before the cold of winter really sets in!